Scott Cannon reads the story at Shannondell
The enchanting Erin Gallagher as Marie


Susan enchants our young audience with cymbals.

Erin and Reuben pose on the staircase.

Our lovely ladies - Susan, Christiana, Nicole, Tanya.

Al and Dudy
Al and Dudy in The Nutcracker

Ellen as Mouse Queen with her fans
Susan and Scott

Betsy Tiemayer and Curt Logan.

Rebecca and her tutu fascinate our fans.

The lovely Tanya and Erin.

Me with Tanya and Susan. It was a good day.

Nicole as Marzipan at St. Asaph's, Dec. 20, 2012

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Last updated - November 20, 2013

Website by Robin Goodfellow Web Designs.